Troop #375 of Girl Scouts North Carolina Coastal Pines is not shy about unleashing its inner G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to help its community. Each cookie season since the troop started in 2008, these fierce cookie bosses use a portion of their earnings to complete a Take Action project. Another portion is always used to complete a service project that benefits the school where the girls hold their troop meetings—so thoughtful! Finally, the last bit of money is used to power an adventure for the girls themselves. Talk about smart money management!
Two of the troop’s recent service projects included putting together “blessing bags” filled with puzzles, games, toiletries, and other useful items for a nursing home (the bags were decorated with the troop number and handmade flowers—nice touch!) and purchasing canned goods to add to the troop’s already thriving yearlong collection efforts to feed families in need.
Troop #375, never change! Your endless thoughtfulness and service is exactly what your community and the world needs.