You shine brightest when you’re making the world a better place. That’s why you can earn three separate awards—the Girl Scout Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards—as you dream of a better tomorrow and take action in big ways today.
Daisies and Brownies learn the basics of what it means to be a good neighbor and how they can be helpful to others. This gives them the foundation they will need to earn the Bronze Award.
Juniors earn the Bronze Award by teaming up with other girls to make a difference in their towns.
Cadettes earn the Silver Award by researching an issue, making a plan to address it, and then taking action to improve their communities.
Seniors and Ambassadors earn the Gold Award—the highest award in Girl Scouting—by developing and carrying out lasting solutions to issues in their neighborhoods and beyond. Gold Award Girl Scouts truly are the world changers, rock stars, role models, and real-life heroes we all look up to. Plus, they’re amazing candidates for colleges, scholarships, competitive internship programs, and exciting careers.
Got a vision for a better world? We’re here to help you create lasting change every step of the way—and can’t wait to see all that you’re going to accomplish.